
Apps & Online Tools for Rheology

Rheology App

Rheology App

An App for non-Newtonian rheology of materials. Download it on your Android phone or tablet for modelling and analysis of your rheological data: shear thinning behaviour, yield stress, temperature effects, activation energy, WLF constants, effect of pressure (D3 & β).

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Supported Models:

Newtonian, Power Law, Cross, Carreau, Carreau Yasuda, Bingham, Herschel Bulkley, Casson, Newtonian Arrhenius, Newtonian WLF, Cross WLF, Carreau Yasuda WLF, Cross WLF and Cross Arrhenius w/ or w/o pressure sensitivity parameters D3 and β .

Save Material Data:

Select an appropriate flow model for your material and save the flow parameters in a local database for later use.

Plot Viscosity & Flow Curves:

Plot Rheological Curves using the saved material data: Viscosity Curves (shear rate vs. viscosity) Flow Curves (shear rate vs. shear stress) and Temperature Curves (temperature vs. shear rate).

Viscosity Calculator:

Calculate Viscosity under different flow conditions as a function of shear rate, temperature and pressure using the saved material data.

Rheological Curve Fitting:

Fit experimental data of Viscosity and Shear Stress to different rheological models. Viscosity Curve Fitting: Cross, Carreau, Carreau Yasuda. Flow Curve Fitting: Power Law, Bingham, Herschel Bulkley, Casson. Temperature Curve Fitting: Arrhenius, WLF.

Time Temperature Superposition:

Create Mastercurves from experimental Viscosity, Stress Relaxation and DMA data. Fit to Arrhenius and WLF models. Determine the Arrhenius Activation Energy and WLF C1, C2 parameters.

Rheometry Toolbox:

Calculate Shear Rate, Shear Stress and Viscosity from Rheometer raw data, such as Flow Rate, Pressure Difference, RPM, Torque. Supported geometries: Capillary Die, Slit Die, Parallel Plate, Cone and Plate, Cup and Bob.

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